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Linear robot system in action

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Cost-effective robot solutions made from linear guides

It doesn't always have to be a jointed-arm robot. Many applications can also be solved with mostly cheaper gantry robots. In this way, the customer process can be automated and the ROI achieved more quickly.

Gantries are a combination of several linear axes to realise a multi-dimensional movement. For a wide range of tasks, igus offers gantries as area, line and space gantries. igus gantries include pre-configured drylin linear modules/axes with NEMA stepper motors as well as all components required for self-assembly. Application examples for line gantries: Pick and place, marking applications, sorting systems and identification in microelectronics and medical technology.

Do you already have an application in mind? Then configure your gantry robot easily under the following link:

igus® Portal configurator

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